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Workers Comp Insurance

When you already have auto and home insurance policies in Georgia, you're protected against a few risks. However, have you ever considered that your coverage might not be enough to protect you against certain accidents? In such instances, it becomes necessary to get an umbrella insurance policy. This policy provides more personal liability protection.


Are you wondering if this policy is for you? Let the Solid Rock Group Association explain who needs this policy the most.

You Want More Coverage

You should consider this policy if you're looking for more insurance coverage. Your home and auto policies already give you some personal liability coverage. However, in some cases, that coverage can be limited by your policy's limit. When a liability claim exceeds the limits of your coverage, you're forced to cover the remaining amount from your pocket. With an umbrella policy, you don't have to because it will cover that extra liability.

You Want Coverage for More Risks

Getting umbrella insurance when seeking coverage for more risks is also advisable. This type of policy covers a wide range of situations that are crucial for your peace of mind. When you have it, you will be prepared for any unexpected risk you could be exposed to.

You Own a Company

If you own a business or are a board of directors member, you are at a high risk of being sued. You can be sued for issues such as workplace accidents, slander, or harassment claims. You may carry business insurance coverage, but it's also good to look at your coverage limits and see if you need additional protection through umbrella insurance.

If any of these situations apply to you, consider getting umbrella insurance. Work with Solid Rock Group Association and have all questions and doubts about this policy answered. Our team of experts in Georgia can help evaluate your situation and advise you on how to protect yourself adequately.




Phone: 470-227-0501
Fax: 470-282-1166

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2444 Duluth Hwy, Suite 204 Duluth, GA 30097

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